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Sunly & Energiaühistu

Community energy based on the PPA model

Circular economy Infrastructure Exploring

We are in the initial exploration stage of this project, thus we are still mapping possibilities, seeking input, and refining our direction.


In Estonia, installing solar panels on apartment buildings is currently ineffective, as energy produced by the panels is directed solely to common electricity usage, not to the individual apartment owners. At the same time, many apartment buildings require renovation, including roof upgrades, but banks are either unwilling to provide loans or offer them under unfavorable terms. Additionally, support measures and the legal framework present barriers that prevent private investors from participating in renovations and offering solar panel installations without the building owners’ own financing.

Accelerate Estonia along with Sunly and Energiaühistu are currently exploring a model where investments are made without the owners’ own capital, and residents purchase the energy produced through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model.